For everything there is a beginning. The beginning of this site predates this post by quite a wide margin. This is mostly due to the patchwork nature of my homelab experience. Using older hardware with almost all Free and Open Source Software. Systems that want to have nothing to do with each other. Yet somehow I am making it all work. Currently I just have the one server that is doing way to much. I have it set up as a Type 1 Hypervisor able to run all my current services with very little headroom to run anything else. As my tech and skills grow I do see myself out growing this server within the next couple of years. Even then I do not think I will ever retire it. Unless it breaks down in such a way that I cannot get replacement parts.
This post is a little scattered and future posts will be much more focused going over major milestones. For now I still have a lot more to build out on this site before I can ever let a hiring manager take a look at it.